Saturday, January 19, 2013

What Makes Man, Man: The Campfire

Nothing gets me going like the sight, sound, and smell of a campfire.

I have yet to met a human who was repulsed by the sight of a campfire, or not drawn into its mesmerizing tranquility. The graceful dance of a flame and the glow of smoldering embers is stimulating and intoxicating to say the least.

What is it about burning wood that seems so inviting?

Yes, fire provides us with hot food, clean water, and warmth, but they go a little deeper than that.

Campfires can bring friends closer together. Through stories about the beasts which lurk in the dark, just feet away, and those absurd tales that could never be true, yet bring us laughter to the point of tears.

There are many theories out there which suggest how humans came to be. From evolution to the different religious views. Whichever you believe, I ask you think about what the word "human" means. I do not mean for you to look up the word on Wikipedia or in a dictionary. Just think about what makes us, us.

I believe what makes us human, is our ability to form relationships through communication.  With just a few words, or even a look, we can relay a thought, form relationships, and comfort our fellow man. From this, we have been able to combine our thoughts to make tools, companions, and iPhones.

There is no record of the first "friendships" or companions made by our ancient ancestors, but I like to think the campfire took part in it.

Collecting materials for the fire, gathering food, and relaxing in each other's presence (venting?) until the fuel burns out builds friendships and relations, just as it has for centuries.

So the next time you build a campfire and witness its wonder, take a second to "thank" it, because if it were not for the knowledge of how to make and control fire, I can guarantee you would not be there as you are now.

Humans make Fire, and Fire makes us Human.

Have any good campfire stories? Tell me about it, the more outrageous the better!

Happy burning!

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