Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Toolbox In Your Pocket

Photo Courtesy of Wenger®

If you are one who thinks you can never be too prepared, this multi-tool might make you wet your pants.

With 87 tools and 141 functions, this multi-tool might should be considered an "every-tool." 

From a magnifying glass to nail clippers to a laser pointer, it has everything but the kitchen sink. But it can fix the kitchen sink so that may indeed count.

As you can imagine, this Guinness World Record holder in not cheap. It is retailed at $1,599.95.

Even if it were $100 I would probably not buy it. I have no need for a 2 lb, 11 ounce lethal paper weight.  Hell I don't even use my $20, 4-function, Wenger multi-tool. 

If you buy one, please let me know so after a month I can ask you how many times you have used it. The number will more than likely be less than the amount of tools this thing has. That is when you will know you have a problem prioritizing your "needs."

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