Monday, October 29, 2012

One For the Record Books

For as long as man has gazed upon birds, soaring across the sky, we have dreamed of what it would be like to see the world from their eyes.

Almost 109 years ago, the Wright brothers flew the first controlled, powered and sustained human flight. Since then new ways of flying, and falling, have been mastered to offer humans the chance to witness only what birds understand.

This past August, two men, Jon Hunt and Nick Greece, experienced a flight like no other. The two parasailed 240 miles across America's Grand Tenton National Forest, a trip that took seven hours.

Parasailing offers a controlled free-fall that you cannot get from skydiving, or looking out an airplane window.  Five minutes of it would be enough to mesmerize a flightless being like myself, much the less seven hours of breathtaking views like the one below.

Photo taken by Nick Greece
The flight was not a simple one at the least. Jon and his trusted photographer, Nick, packed oxygen (and flew to 18,000ft), three flight computers, down clothing, and two days worth of supplies, just in case they had to hoof it back to civilization upon landing.

One can only dream of a flight like this. To read more about what these record holders had to say and the amazing photos that Nick Greece captured, read all about it here.

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