Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A stove for water, food, and iPhones?

BioLite Campstove

Solar-powered energy only comes in handy when if is sunny. So how can I charge my phone if it is going to be raining for the next five days on my trip?

BioLite has the answer by using wood instead of the sun, and not only on the trail, but at home too.

By converting heat from renewable resources, like twigs and pine-cones, into electricity you can charge your phone, lights and other gadgets while cooking up tonight's meal.

Compared to solar chargers and other stoves, this is the "better buy." No more lugging around fuel canisters or bulky solar panels. 

The BioLite Campstove™ weighs 33 oz, has a 4.5 min. boil time (per 1L), uses renewable fuel, and has a USB plug-in. For more specs go here.

At home when a bad storm rolls through, leaving you without power, the Campstove™ can provide you with sanitary water, a charged phone and a warm meal. This is perfect for all of you "preppers" that want to be ready when the worst comes around.

BioLite is also helping more than the just people with expendable income. They have also came up with the HomeStove™ which is being used in places like Africa and China where every meal is cooked over an open fire. 

The Homestove nearly eliminates the harmful effects of smoke inhalation while using pess fuel than open fires.

A special thanks to GearJunkie for opening my eyes to this amazing tool.

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